Best Breaking News Photo (Multi-day) ( Class IV)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Iowa Falls - Times Citizen Entry Title: Death snatched from Iowa Falls Fire Entry Credit: Corey Meints Judge Comment: Photo deserved better play and tighter cropping. In a category of to many photos that were not breaking news this one comes out above the competition.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Mason City - Globe Gazette Entry Title: Mason City firefighters battle a huge blaze at the Kirk Apartments in downtown Mason City on April 24. Entry Credit: Matthew Rezab Judge Comment: Good view of breaking news. Well done technically would have liked to have seen some action from the crews on the scene.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Keokuk - Daily Gate City Entry Title: Daily Gate City Breaking News Photo: Fire Entry Credit: Chris Mills Judge Comment: Another shot that shows some excellent breaking news quality. Tough to shoot at night but photographer has shown good execution skills to capture the scene.