Best Breaking News Photo (Weekly) ( Class III)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Tipton - The Tipton Conservative Entry Title: Norton Home Tornado Damage Entry Credit: Stuart Clark Judge Comment: This image is shocking to see and tells the story. Overall coverage and cutline information were nicely executed.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Guttenberg - The Guttenberg Press Entry Title: Evening blaze destroys group home in Guttenberg Entry Credit: Austin Greve Judge Comment: The lighting in this image is dramatic and captures the scene during the height of the event. Slightly better framing would really elevate this image, but overall a nice catch.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Spirit Lake - Dickinson County News Entry Title: SLFD quells fiery car Saturday afternoon Entry Credit: Matt Heinrichs Judge Comment: Nice exposure and framing, and a unique grab for a relatively short call.