2024 Iowa Better Newspaper Contests

Best Breaking News Story (Multi-day) ( Class V) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Davenport - Quad-City Times
    Entry Title: Firefighters rescue 7 immediately from site of building collapse in downtown Davenport
    Entry Credit: Sarah Watson, Gretchen Teske, Thomas Geyer, Tom Loewy
    Judge Comment: The quality of entries in this category was amazing. The apartment building collapse in downtown Davenport rose to the top among these towering entries for its completeness and perseverance in the face of a fast-breaking story that had many layers of information to report and expose. The stories of survivors of the collapse were riveting and maddening in light of the stunning revelations that were uncovered concerning the building’s condition prior to the collapse. These were stories you didn’t want to stop reading.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Des Moines - Des Moines Register
    Entry Title: Fatal shooting at Des Moines alternative school
    Entry Credit: Noelle Alviz-Gransee, Chris Higgins, F. Amanda Tugade, Francesca Block
    Judge Comment: School shootings at any facility, public or private, are gut-wrenching news events. This entry handles this shooting aggressively and professionally while capturing the emotion of the situation.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Davenport - Quad-City Times
    Entry Title: Winds up to 90 mph smash neighborhoods in Rock Island
    Entry Credit: Staff Loewy
    Judge Comment: The tornado that hit Rock Island brought out the best in the news team that pursued the story and covered it quickly and thoroughly.