2024 Iowa Better Newspaper Contests

Best News Feature Story (Weekly) ( Class III) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Davenport - The Catholic Messenger
    Entry Title: Apartment disaster compounds affordable housing crisis
    Entry Credit: Barb Arland-Fye
    Judge Comment: To win first place in this contest requires a story of exceptional quality and this one delivered. Great reporting and great writing. Tying in the tragedy of a building collapse with an affordable housing crisis brought home a well-sourced story. This was the best entry in an extremely strong group of entries.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Des Moines - Business Record
    Entry Title: Moments matter
    Entry Credit: Kathy Bolton
    Judge Comment: Excellent story that personalized a health issue into a must-read. While also a good read, the story serves as way to inform the public about strokes and the aftermath. Excellent work.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Sheldon - The N'West Iowa Review
    Entry Title: "State of mind"
    Entry Credit: Aleisa Schat
    Judge Comment: It really pained me to give this story third place because it was one of those stories reporters rarely stumble on. Going from tragedy to triumph, this story was well-sourced and ultimately inspiring.