Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Perry - Perry Chief Entry Title: Perry schools in 'constant sadness' after 3 fatal car crashes in a month Entry Credit: Allison Ullmann Judge Comment: I thought this was clearly the best entry in a competitive field. A community facing such tragedies as Perry did provide many compelling stories. The article set the right tone for a community in morning.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Greenfield - Adair County Free Press Entry Title: Best News Story Entry Credit: Caleb Nelson Judge Comment: This story hit many right notes in saying goodbye to someone who was an integral part of the community for decades. The headline, "Assignment Complete," set the stage for the words that were to come.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Manilla - The Manilla Times Entry Title: Thatch facelift to give Hausbarn new life Entry Credit: Janine Kock Judge Comment: It could have been a story about the old tourist attraction opening for another season, but the writer took extra steps to delve into history and bring the restoration and opening to life.