2024 Iowa Better Newspaper Contests

Best Personality Feature Story (Multi-day) ( Class IV) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Oelwein - Oelwein Daily Register
    Entry Credit: Gidal Kaiser
    Judge Comment: This story just checks all the boxes: The subject's personality comes through clearly; data regarding ALS is well-woven into the portrait of this man and family; and the entire package is a good read. I chuckled (and wanted to cry) right along with this man and his family. I admired their ability to keep a sense of humor in tough times. It felt as though I really got to know them in reading this story. Well done.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Mason City - Globe Gazette
    Entry Title: Dick Formanek winds down elevator operations in Hayfield
    Entry Credit: Alexander Schmidt
    Judge Comment: Sometimes less is more, and this story illustrates that well. Although not the most in-depth entry, this gives a clear glimpse at this man's life and personality. Yes, he's a lot like a lot of farmers. But he's also his own man, and that comes through.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Council Bluffs - Daily Nonpareil
    Entry Title: Nonpareil Garrett Postcard
    Entry Credit: David Golbitz, Joe Shearer
    Judge Comment: Well-written and detailed, this story takes the reader along a journey with the subject and explores his personality along the way. His passion for his collection comes across clearly.