2024 Iowa Better Newspaper Contests

Best Sports Photo (Weekly) ( Class I) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Solon - Solon Economist
    Entry Title: Eli Freerks
    Entry Credit: Chris Umscheid
    Judge Comment: First place photo is a sharp image that captures the concentration of a player as he sends a kick ahead. Good cropping and worth of play as a dominant image in a soccer package.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Colfax - Jasper County Tribune
    Entry Title: Carson Scroggins
    Entry Credit: Troy Hyde
    Judge Comment: Opposing player has am awed "what did you just do to me" look after he was dunked on. Well composed and cropped.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Prairie City - PCM Explorer
    Entry Title: Kaleb DeVries
    Entry Credit: Troy Hyde
    Judge Comment: Third place photo is a great image of player caught in the air while trying for a catch. But there was a lot of wasted space in the photo. A tighter crop and larger presentation would have created a very dynamic story and photo combination.