Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Des Moines - Des Moines Register Entry Title: Des Moines Register education coverage Entry Credit: Samantha Hernandez, Chris Higgins, Katie Akin, Stephen Gruber-Miller Judge Comment: Very in-depth and followed-through reporting. Took something national and localized it well.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Sioux City - Sioux City Journal Entry Title: Former superintendent sues school district - Ex-FBI agent says parent was never subject of probe - Librarians ‘vigilant’ in book selections - Standing up for LQBTQ+ rights - Friends make 2023 memorable Entry Credit: Caitlin Yamada Judge Comment: Cleared up misinformation in a concise manner. Gave an interesting perspective on the otherwise redundant story of graduation.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Davenport - Quad-City Times Entry Title: Palmer College issues wave of student ethics violations Entry Credit: Olivia Allen Judge Comment: Well-done and detailed writing and research. Strong photos.