2024 Iowa Better Newspaper Contests

Total Newspaper Design ( Class II) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Eldora - Herald-Ledger
    Entry Title: EH E11
    Entry Credit: Megan Larsen
    Judge Comment: Wonderful mix of fonts and colors; excellent centerpieces; and well-rounded, easy-to-read ads. This is the complete package.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Ackley - Ackley World Journal
    Entry Title: Total Newspaper Design
    Entry Credit: Staff
    Judge Comment: Bold choices throughout, from the nameplate to the special sections. Creative, off-the-beaten-path font and color choices that aren't too hard to make out. Excellent interior design and beautiful ads.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Hawarden - Hawarden Independent/Ireton Examiner
    Entry Title: Giving Thanks for the Hawarden Indpendent/Ireton Examiner
    Entry Credit: Katie Anderson, Renee Wielenga, Eric Sandbulte, Iowa Information Inc. Design and Creative Team
    Judge Comment: The centerpiece designs and headline choices won me over, putting this on the podium. Clean, crisp, well-rounded design with ads that pop off the page without being too garish or distracting. Well done.