Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Sheldon - The Sheldon Mail-Sun Entry Title: Carissa Frohwein Entry Credit: Carissa Frohwein Judge Comment: Good use of fonts and clean layouts that have impact. Good work. You have the ability to be unique and not make everything look the same.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Hawarden - Hawarden Independent/Ireton Examiner Entry Title: Alexis Rolfes Entry Credit: Alexis Rolfes Judge Comment: Your style is one that can adapt to many messages, Good use of color coordination Many designs jump off the page quickly.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Hawarden - Hawarden Independent/Ireton Examiner Entry Title: Kira Spaans Entry Credit: Kira Spaans Judge Comment: Good creative flair in most ads. you offer a more sophisticated style in some designs with an organized look that makes ads easy to read and understand.