Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Davenport - Quad-City Times Entry Title: Columns by Dave Selvig Entry Credit: Dave Selvig Judge Comment: I enjoyed your articles because they were historical, optimistic and humorous at times. You would make me become an avid sports section reader!
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Fort Dodge - The Messenger Entry Title: Sports columnist entries - Eric Pratt, Fort Dodge Messenger Entry Credit: Eric Pratt Judge Comment: I really liked how you take real life scenarios and tie them to a sports theme and then conclude with a lesson to be learned.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Des Moines - Des Moines Register Entry Title: Chad Leistikow, Des Moines Register Entry Credit: Chad Leistikow Judge Comment: I enjoy your unique touches to articles about subjects that other journalists are probably covering. Your touches, however, look at the topic from a different and interesting view. I enjoyed your articles very much.