Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Pocahontas - Pocahontas Record-Democrat Entry Title: Pocahontas Record-Democrat Facebook page Entry Credit: Sandy Rutherford, Erin Sommers Judge Comment: Keep up the mix of ways that you post as that set you apart. Going beyond just posting link after link after link. This page was at its best when it created engagement posts asking for help on stories and asking how people get information. Keep up that mix of what you are posting and seeking engagement and interaction with readers.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Spirit Lake - Dickinson County News Entry Title: DCN — Best Use of Social Media Entry Credit: Staff Judge Comment: The sports editor's profiles certainly add a great mix of personality for the paper. However, these would be best included on the paper's actual branded platforms rather than separately. The paper does a good job of frequently posting, but a branded social media page needs to be more than just link after link and do more to engage with readers.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Elkader - Times-Register Entry Title: Times-Register Social Media Entry Credit: Audrey Posten Judge Comment: Some nice photo galleries are mixed in to go beyond just links.