Coverage of Government and Politics ( Class IV)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Iowa City - Press-Citizen Entry Title: Best Coverage of Government and Politics Entry Credit: Iowa City Press-Citizen Staff Judge Comment: Well written, well researched political coverage that tackles serious issues facing Iowa City in an evenhanded way. Love the accessible presentation style (use of bullets) to make it easier for people to digest.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Council Bluffs - Daily Nonpareil Entry Title: Nonpareil Government & Politics Entry Credit: Scott Stewart, David Golbitz, Hailey Peck, Andrew Smith Judge Comment: Paper seems to have a knack for illustrating the personal side of the policy issues it covers (brain damage and flooding pieces). Great art to accompany impactful reporting. Kudos.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Marshalltown - Times-Republican Entry Title: Marshalltown Times-Republican Entry Credit: Robert Maharry, Lana Bradstream Judge Comment: Especially loved the in-depth treatment of the IVH layoffs. Really high quality reporting for a publication of its size.