Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Pocahontas - Pocahontas Record-Democrat Entry Title: EMS Essential Service Entry Credit: Erin Sommers Judge Comment: These stories thoroughly explain the issue of an EMS essential service tax ahead of the election where it appeared on the ballot. Reporter Erin Sommers clearly had developed a strong grasp of the issue, given how clearly she distilled it in the first story: "What's that kind of response time worth? That's the question that goes before Pocahontas County voters next month ..." Such coverage is an important public service and vital part of our mission as local journalists.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Orange City - Sioux County Capital Democrat Entry Title: Refugees settle in Sioux County Entry Credit: Sarah Weber, Sharon Vermeer, Dale Pluim Judge Comment: This continuing coverage provides an important, human perspective on the war in Ukraine and its direct impact on Sioux County.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Mapleton - Mapleton Press Entry Title: Mapleton Press-Inside the Monona County Courthouse Entry Credit: Staff Judge Comment: Love this explanatory journalism! So many readers in communities across the country could benefit form this type of work.