2024 Iowa Better Newspaper Contests

Best Personality Feature Story (Weekly) ( Class I) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Earlham - Earlham Echo
    Entry Title: Officially Speaking - Grant Detrick
    Entry Credit: Todd Weber
    Judge Comment: We hear so much about the NBA from the players standpoint, it was a nice surprise to read the trajectory of a hopeful official with the organization. For someone not into sports, the fact that it kept me intrigued until the end speaks oodles. A solid piece written with aplomb.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Traer - North Tama Telegraph
    Entry Title: Dengler’s other domain: Local newspaper columnist drafts new chapter on the farm
    Entry Credit: Ruby McAllister, Soren Peterson
    Judge Comment: In a time when many are assessing life choices in a pandemic world, a story about a creative person getting in touch with his farm roots was a breath of fresh air. And the writing seemed effortless when putting family in competition with recognition and fame. It left a good feeling in your belly that no matter how many things change, some traditions go on. This is good stuff.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Tripoli - The Tripoli Leader
    Entry Title: Kevin Buhrow retires from the Tripoli Fire Department after 14 years
    Entry Credit: Morgan Bergmann
    Judge Comment: Firefighting is a career where pop culture has idealized the role. This article garnered attention because it offered real stories of someone who was in the fight for years. We look to personality features for the essence of the personality, this reporter peeled this personality back like a "Bloomin' Onion." Kudos.