Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: DeWitt - The Observer Entry Title: DeWitt Teacher Charged Entry Credit: Nick Joos, Trevis Mayfield Judge Comment: Stellar, dogged coverage that not only helped the community stay informed and understand the issues surrounding the accused sex offender teacher but also held this superintendent and school board's feet to the fire. Thorough coverage punctuated by the call for better laws to protect students from educators, law enforcement and others who fall short of their duties to children. Impressive work.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Sheldon - The N'West Iowa Review Entry Title: Coverage of Education Entry Credit: Aleisa Schat, Mikaela Mackey Judge Comment: Good solid work on key issues in education today, particularly the substitute teacher shortage. I love the "What's next" design. Strong elements generally that keep the community well informed.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Estherville - Estherville News Entry Title: From preschool to post-grad - rural education requires innovation and community support Entry Credit: Amy Peterson Judge Comment: Thorough job of highlighting key elements of enrollment reports, exploring modern Head Start and looking at a "military education" that benefits many.